Let Your Love be Greater Than Your Fear.
History marked the day when Sir Edmund Hillary and his Nepale Indian Sherpa Tenzing Norgay reached the summit of Mount Everest in 1953. And Tenzing later wrote in his biography that Hillary took the first step onto the summit and he followed. They reached Everest's 29,028 ft (8,848 m) summit – the highest point on earth – at 11:30 am. It was no doubt that Tenzing can be the first who step onto the summit, but he allowed Sir Edmund to be one. Why would Tenzig found the pride and the bigger heart in allowing Hillary to be the first and mark the history? Tenzig mission and intention purely for the person he partnered with along the journey to the summit. Watching his 'coachee' achieved his goal was ultimately rewarding for him.
That's the same kind of feeling that every coach own.
When I decided to be a coach, I simply want to contribute to the same effects that my coaches brought the best in me. I got better clarity of my values, my purpose in life, and most importantly making myself a better person for me and people surround me. My coaching journey has changed me, the way I listen to people, the way I feel compassion, the way I treat others, and the way of my being. Being aware to the surroundings and enjoying every breath alongwith the beating of my heart are the constant reminders to be in love, and to let love be the reason why we do what we do, and may that love be greater than fear itself.
I realized that one's intention plays a big part that set behaviors to make things happen. The intention of a coach should never be bigger nor smaller than the intention of the client. The more hours I coach, the more I realized that the key to those anwers lies within each of ourself within, may it be from the local wisdom and values that we grew up with to the essence of being human as growing molecules. It is a story of life that one choose to write and to share with others, consciously or subconsciously.
If ever that we meet by any chance, it may be because the universe are sending me to help you or that you to help me or perhaps something in between that we have no idea. Either way, that would be the day that I will love you, anyhow, and pray for you that you will find the answers that you need most. No matter how silent or chaotic our session will be. ;-)
When, if not NOW, is the best time to START?
I coach high achievers who ask 'What's Next?' and ready to stretch their journey beyond what they currently imagine. And many times, they came to me with the problem, "I'm stuck!" and not knowing that is a nature call for a time to grow bigger.
As a Professional Life Coach, I help people to go beyond their current perspectives and unleash their potentials. I challenge their comfort zones and provoke them to think creatively within the box.
As the result, achieving high performance, a better fulfilling life, and also getting to know self in a better way to walk on their own path.
Need help to achieve your goals in life? I use an array of communication skills, the art of neuro-linguistic programming, and yoga science to provide coaching services that give you the tools for success. In addition to 1-on-1 coaching sessions and group sessions, I regularly host workshops and seminars for people who are interested in developing their own coaching techniques.

When you are at the top of the game, it's no longer about which technique to use but more towards bringing bigger impacts towards not only yourself but also the business and society. This coaching session is about refining the meaning of being a Leader for merrier people and having the wisdom to make a life-changing decision.
Many people think that wellbeing is about the healthy and happy state. Yet it only reveals one part of it. Wellbeing means to also have the capability to cope with negative emotions and thinking. To also be able to turn around uneventful situation and a non resourceful state into something positive if not neutral. In this session wellbeing leads to a better resilience.
Designed for Working Women wanting to accelerate their business/career, struggling to balance personal and professional life, and shifting from feeling stuck and guilty to rediscover the potential within self. Helping you to identify your core values and reinvent life purpose in align to the woman’s life journey.

This service definitely my favorite, it helps you dwell and be part of Indonesian culture, nature, wisdom, and people. It fitted nicely to help you identify the most suitable potential for you to refocus your investment & resources in Indonesia. Designed to deep dive in experiences and provoking thoughts that will be the bed time stories for your loved ones.
This coaching session focus to help you gain effective communication through listening and effective feedback. It helps you to build confidence, managing crowds and enhance your ability to communicate better. Understanding communication and perspective will also help youto resolve potential conflict and improve relationship in both personal and professional life so that you can have a more meaningful life.
I always believe in Hi Touch behind the Hi Tech, The Soul beneath The Self, The Value within oneself. And my professional coaching experience in crafting Values from identification, transformation, to integration has helped me expand this understanding to be applied in broader scale, into relationship, into organizations, even into a product & brand. If you want to bring out the soul, go and ask me questions.

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."